After the coldest April and wettest May, isn’t it wonderful to at last feel some warmth and sunshine on our backs whilst gardening. The garden is about 2-4 weeks behind where it normally is. This time last year I had…
Category: Spring
Getting into the garden – May 2021
April – the frostiest April in 60 years and as gardeners didn’t we know it. All doing the daily dance of in out in out with the plants in and out of the greenhouse or coldframes. I keep getting reminders…
Getting into the garden – April 2021
April, the month of sunshine, showers (although hardly had any of those in the last month), and even the odd snow shower thrown in for good measure. The soil is really starting to warm up and you can feel its…
Getting into the garden – March 2020
Storms Ciara, Dennis and Jorge, will the rain ever end? February was the wettest on record and the gardens are at saturation point but thankfully compared to some I feel we have got of lightly and spring just had to…
Getting into the garden – February 2020
February is here and nothing is better for the soul on a dreary day than to take a walk and see nature telling us spring is nearly here. February is a month of hope, whilst we can still get snow…
Getting into the garden – April 2019
Spring is well and truly here, primroses are at their best, trees are blossoming, tulips and bluebells are starting to flower and alliums are on their way. Every day you can spot new growth and it’s always great to get…
Getting into the garden – March 2019
And we’re off… February 2019 was the warmest on record, and as gardeners we’re all so excited to see our gardens bursting back into life. Its happening, the daffodils , crocuses and snowdrops are out, and shrubs are budding up and showing new growth.